Monday, February 11, 2013

Why I LOVE Running..

I started "just running" 6 years ago.  Back then, I had no idea what I got myself into.  I've now trained and ran everything from a 5k to a marathon.  Running changes you.

Here are my top ten reasons, why I LOVE to run:
  1. Running is my stress reliever
  2. The unspoken runner camaraderie
  3. The motivation you provide to others
  4. You get out of running (and life), what you put in
  5. The excitement that friends and family share at your first big race
  6. Embracing the term "you must be crazy"
  7. Pushing your body to the limit
  8. Having a deeper understanding of  nutrition
  9. Running wherever your feet take you
  10. New appreciation for every season- and the clothing made for it!

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