Sunday, July 8, 2012

....let the training begin

Well this is it, my last night without a set training schedule to follow till November 18th- and my MARATHON!!  I should be super excited for this, but i've been stuck on the couch all day with ice and aleve- thank you ITBS.  Hopefully after the purchase of another pair of new shoes (my second pair in 3 months), i'll be a-ok!

Looking back on my half marathon training through pictures made me laugh, so here's to training, once again!

Lessons I've learned after running 13.1 miles:

1.  Jelly beans are meant to be sweet, not salty.  
If they are salty a) good luck with that run b) you're sweet jelly beans are way past expiration.  After using these as "fuel" for an 8 miler and making it about 3 miles before wanting to die- these will never be purchased again.

 2.  Running 10 miles before going to work will require mental and physical dedication- along with some fuel.  And some awesome bragging rights when you get to work!
I bought all of this immediately after my run at 9am- thinking this would be a snack.  This actually ended up being my food for the entire day. (Note: gels with caffeine i.e. the chocolate outrage below are great, until the caffeine kicks in- and you are "cleansed" a bit more than you would like).

3.  Expect the unexpected.
I originally signed up for my half with two friends.  By the time the half came, it was just me.  I had trained alone and was ok with that, but going into Philly in the early am was...scary.  Google Maps took me through one of the worst areas in Philly at 5:45am (so I could beat the road closures).  Needless to say after almost dying, crying, and praying- I made it!

 4.  Post-run photo ops are not preferable.
My mom and her new smartphone were great when I passed them during the course.  An audience of familiar faces is a serious pick-me-up when you take on a big run.  That being said, after the run I was in no mood to "pose".  So this is my only post-run photo.

5.  After running 13.1 miles it's time to eat (or so you think)!
I ran my half and was starving, I thought I could eat everything.  My awesome fam came to cheer me on and we ended up at a diner outside of Philly.  The only thing I managed besides drinking two chocolate milks and a few bites, was this picture.

6.  Whenever you wonder why you run: just ask your family.
My sister told me after I finish my marathon, I'll receive the below.  Is this the only reason she thinks I run, seriously?  I mean I do totally use running as an excuse to eat whatever I want- but it's so much more than that.

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