Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 6 of 13: Bike to the Bay

I'm over a month delayed on keeping this up to date.  Here's what I remember from Bike to the Bay.

The week prior to Bike to the Bay I was sick and I was just getting over the funky cold that had taken me down.  I also had an inhaler for my cold induced asthma.  Really asthma?  Every time I get a cold, I get asthma.. WHY?!  I guess I shouldn't complain, I could have asthma everyday.

I left work and headed down to my friends house, since they lived 5 mins from the start, and I live about 45 minutes from it!  I was running late and met them at an awesome italian pizza place.  I had a great dinner with soup and pizza.  We needed to carb up for the next day. :)

When we got back to their house we made sure everything was situated for the ride and pumped all our tires back up.  Apparently the fluctuating temperatures were causing my tires to lose air each week and were required a lot more air before each ride.  And no, they weren't flat.

We got up early, like we do for all these events.  The good thing about this ride was that every 10-12 miles was a rest stop with food, drinks, and potties.  We then went and picked up our race materials and bibs.

So, this is the first Bike to the Bay event I've done and everyone is required to raise $300.  Typically when you do a charity event, you have a month or two past the event to raise all the money.  Well, not Bike to the Bay!  Race morning they would check your total raised amount, and you paid the remainder.  Thankfully I had an awesome group of supporters and my $300+ had been raised beforehand.

The ride itself wasn't too bad, but my chest and asthma pain were thankful for each rest stop.  Just as I would start to hurt, we'd hit a rest stop.

We had planned to bike 100 miles (we'd done it two weeks before and were confident).  Thankfully the group we biked with was only going for 75, and I was more than happy, given I still wasn't 100% recovered.

So, here we are after 75 miles.  Money raised, 75 miles biked.  I think I'll do it again next year, it was a lot of fun! :)

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