Saturday, July 14, 2012

First pain free run!

Since the Broad Street Run in early May, I've experienced some sort of pain during running.  I was forced to walk a bit during Broad Street and during my half marathon due to the pain.  The pain was a deep gnawing sensation in my left hip- and I just assumed it was because I have wider hips.  The pain would come and go during a long run, but little walking bursts seem to make it ok.  This was very frustrating when I knew my conditioning was much better and I could run both of these races in their entirety- aside from this pain.  I took Advil and iced a bit, but wasn't sure of the real issue.

I did get a massage after my 10-miler and was told my IT band was really tight.  I'd heard of it before, but didn't give it a second thought.  I then went on to my half which the same mysterious hip pain reemerged, again forcing short walk breaks.  I'm very competitive with myself- so these walks breaks were pure torture because I knew I could do "so much better", i.e. 2 minutes off my entire time.

The area where I live is very hilly and no parks or trails are completely flat.  I started running hills on a trail nearby to prepare for the hills in the half.  I had some hip and knee pain, but would taper the hills back when it became an issue.  Recently every single run I do is outside- because it's gorgeous out, and summertime!  So each run is essentially running up and down hills of some elevation.  

I also started doing tempo runs while training for the 10 miler and half and did shave some time off my old 5k PR.  The problem with this is my comfortable 10-minute mile pace that I usually hold pretty steady, got messy.  The first few miles of a long run I was running between 8-9 minute miles.  While this is great for a 5k, this is bad when trying to really train for a endurance run.  

Between the hills and speedier time- I was doomed from the beginning.  So I decided to reach out to fellow runner's on twitter for ideas.  I've iced, taken ibuprofen, stretched, done yoga (even though I hate it), taken days off from running, bought new shoes, purchased a running stick- to no avail.  Thankfully someone I reached out to responded with "two words: foam roller".  

I had seen these before and kept reading about them for ITBS relief, so I sucked it up and bought one.  After rolling around on this thing, it does provide some relief.  I've also found some interest sites that show how to release trigger points causing ITB pain- I like to call this torture.

I decided I was running 3 miles today straight through and going for a swim.  My body wasn't holding me back- and didn't, thank you God!  I ran 3 miles on the treadmill in 29:33 straight through without pain!!!!  I don't know if it's the new shoes, foam rolling or the steady even pace, but it worked.  

I then went for a half hour cool down the 88 degree water.  So much for a "cool down".

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