Thursday, July 5, 2012

To workout...or lay on the beach

Deep in the back of my head I know my actual "training" doesn't start till mid-July.  I knew pre-training would be a better idea so I don't end up with some crazy injury once the runs become longer.  My goal was to run on the beach every morning, barefoot. 

After figuring out that low tide is at midnight or noon, I realized this would be a lazy vacation.  The beach is not flat by any means, and the thought of aggravating my ITB to the point of no return doesn't really intrigue me.  Low tide is the only time of day when the beach is "flat"- and I decided against running at midnight with the ghost crabs or at noon when it would be sweltering heat.

Instead of doing nothing at all I've walked almost everyday on the beach and did run..once.  Too beautiful to stay away from:

The running options at the beach rental we are staying at include the sand, or a highway.  I opted for the highway after seeing many other runners and cyclists. 

At least I ran, once.

The worst part of all of this, is the fact my runner's knee has actually gotten worse.  I know uneven footing has a lot to do with it, but geez.  I never realized walking to and from the beach and a daily beach walk could mess me up so bad.  I'm starting to feel like my parents with their random ailments.  The knee has gotten to the point a handful of times this week where it feels like it's just going to give out.  I really need to figure this out prior to marathon training.  I would be devastated to train for 4 months- only to injure myself and not be able to run.

I guess it's either a runner's knee brace (oh so cute), or a trip to the doctor this week.

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