Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Margarita's. 3.5 Miles. Broken Ear Buds.

Don't judge me based on the title, I wasn't drinking, driving and running- but you probably clicked on this one! :)  I did however go to happy hour with a co-worker.  I had planned for a 3.5 mile nice, easy, slow run tonight in the cool weather- until my co-worker wanted to grab drinks, because her husband was away for the night.  On such a beautiful day, who can pass that up?!

So we went to a local restaurant that has fantastic margarita's and a nice little area outside to sit.  I'm not a fan of tequila, but for some reason mixed with strawberry or raspberry, I love it.  So I immediately ordered a strawberry margarita- then the waitress said they were part of the happy hour special, even better.  All of this being said I am an extreme light weight, and am quite content that way.  I save myself money and calories, what's not to like.  We also of course had the courtesy chips and salsa, which were quite good.  My co-worker opted for the top shelf margarita and her margarita beat mine bar none in comparison- it was a work of art.  We continued to chat and finish our chips and salsa, then got the bill.  This is when I realized my so called margarita- probably wasn't a margarita by definition at all.  My total for a sweet strawberry drink on the rocks was $4.99, my co-workers work of art came to $9.95, which is explanation enough for me- I had paid for sugar water.

After leaving I ran some errands in the area, then went home.  It was such a perfect day weather wise- I just had to get outside.  I opted for a 3.5 mile walk, since running with happy hour in my stomach was probably a bad idea.  As soon as I got to the park I just couldn't stop my legs- they were running whether I wanted to or not.  I ended up running about 3 miles when my right ear bud fell out.  I specifically bought "Ironman" earbuds that have better holding power against sweat- but have been failing me recently.  When I went to put the ear bud back in, it was silent (I truly feel for anyone who is deaf in one or both ears), it was horrible.  I had loud music in the left and nothing on the right- quite frustrating during any part of a run, especially the end.

So I have come to the conclusion if I drink a high fructose drink before a run- I will perform pretty well.  My body reacts to food in strange ways before a run- a lot of runners eat a banana or peanut butter on a carb.  For some reason this type of food seems to irritate me more.  I apparently can run after having a drink as fuel, and when I trained for my 10 miler in May I could eat oreo's before a run and have an awesome workout.  I wouldn't recommend doing this, but it's interesting to see how the body reacts.

Vacation running is oh so soon.  A few early morning runs with sand between my toes- can't wait!

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