Saturday, June 16, 2012

The "long" run..

I'm training for my marathon with a friend who is training for a marathon a few weeks before.  I have someone else to endure this pain with!  yippee  We planned to run 7 today to get this training in motion and planned to meet at 8am at a local park (thinking we'd beat this heat early in the day).

After discussing how our family and friends think we are crazy, we started our 7 mile run.  My head was in it, I was doing 7 if it took me all day, or so I thought.  After running about 2.5 miles my IT band starting acting up forcing me to walk- which I can't stand!  All in all we ended up running about 3.5 and "yogging" which i use loosely, another 1.5.  At this point not only was my IT band acting up, the heat had become unbearable.  Thankfully my running buddy agreed, and I was happy I wasn't just being a baby.  We decided next Saturday we will run at 7am- yes, we are really giving up sleep for torture. 

After discussing our early morning run plans I realized my next 5 months are going to be, erm, dedicated for lack of a better word.  Realizing my weekend plans would probably revolve around prepping for my next run, I knew my social life was going to take a hit.  Not only will I be eating and sleeping to run great the next day, my weekly plans will also revolve around the big run of the week.  Thus my dating life (or let's be honest, lack there-of) will become almost obsolete.  

So instead of worrying about the future 5 months- I was hungry.  So I ate this delish, juicy watermelon- straight from the cutting board.  Nothing better after a run.

I was still annoyed with myself- even given the heat and IT pain.  So I went shopping, I know- bad idea, but actually it wasn't.  I've been on a hunt for an actual swimsuit so I can swim for my cross training during this adventure.  I love spin, but spin and running start to really wear down my legs, so I'd prefer the least impact- voila welcome swimming!  And here's my super interesting, zipper back, Nike suit I got for $20, instead of the retail $72- thank you Marshall's.  Saving money and running- it's the little things. :)

Happy running!  They never said it would be easy- just worth it.

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