Friday, June 22, 2012

Holy heat

The weather lately has been hot, the sweaty, slimy and disgusting hot (especially when I get out of my car-which the air conditioner conveniently stopped working in).  Can you tell I don't like the heat?  Actually I can do the heat a bit, it's the North East humidity I can't take.  And who am I kidding, I can't do the heat.  All of my European ancestors were from countries with rain, clouds and well, more rain.  Unfortunately, I have no built in air conditioner or sun protectant- I sweat like a pig, turn maroon and burn.  Yes, after this marathon i'm going to be a sight.

I took the last two days of my pre-training off to observe and fear, the heat.  I decided I should probably get back to workouts today, so I did.  I went to Bodypump and followed it up with a half hour swim.  Bodypump is a funny class- if I miss a week and haven't been in 7 days or less, my muscles appear to have lost it all.  Maybe that's a bit dramatic, i'm still able to lift what I had been prior, but I do struggle.  Today's class was no exception and not due to my lack of attendance.  The class prior to mine was spin and the room felt and looked like a sauna.  After finishing an hour of what I think of as torture (weights are not my thing, but I know I need to lift for running and to have "strong bones"), I went to swim.

This time I actually remembered flip flops so I didn't have to skeeve the nasty Y locker room floor on my walk to the outdoor pool.  Nice day, sun was shining, old ladies to the right taking some class with kick boards- and 3 open lap lanes, yes this was a good find.  So I started swimming breaststroke, not sure why this is my stroke of choice when swimming laps- but I think deep down I feel like a little kid again, or a frog.  About 10 minutes in, because my brain isn't in it enough to actually count laps- the lifeguard came by.  Great, are they closing the pool because some kids diaper exploded was my first thought.  Wrong.  They were removing the 3 glorious lap lanes that now had swimmers, to make room for the summer camp kids.

Summer camp kids and the Y, where to begin.  After working in the city and going to the Y during lunch when summer camp was happening I have my reservations.  Having the summer camp kids crawl under the bathroom stall you were in, open the curtain to the changing room you were in, or stepping in their hair or trail of pool water, I can't say i'm a fan.  No, i'm also not a radical single person who hates kids- just dislike kids with no manners.

So after the three lanes were moved I had to relocate.  Relocating meant attempting to swim with the two old ladies walking down lane 1; jumping into lane 2 with a high schooler whose crazy mom was telling her to swim faster and perfect her stroke and a random guy; or lane 3 pretty much the only viable option, with one guy swimmer.

Having not swam in years I had NO clue what swimming etiquette exists, but figured I'd see if this guy was ok sharing a lane.  But then again, we all pay to go to the Y, so big deal if he wasn't- I was swimming.  He agreed and I started to swim.  I got to the other end where said guy said "umm, can we just split the lane"- sure whatever floats your boat dude, apparently I wasn't sharing properly.

Now to rest up and hydrate tonight, for an 8 miler at yes, 7am tomorrow morning!

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