Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 2 of 13: 14 Miles in 2:35ish

So it's now Monday of week 3.  Yikes!  The only reason I remembered to blog about Saturday's run aside from the fact that I'm eating lunch, is that my calves hurt.  I mean, hurt.  And, I cleverly decided to wear super high heels today, but they are super cute.  :)

Friday morning I went for a 21ish mile bike ride with a friend along a nearby canal.  It was a pretty ride, but given the water, it was very windy.  It was definitely a great workout, especially since I have two, not one, but TWO 100 mile bike races in the next 3 weeks.  And, a half.  There is potential I have really lost my mind.  Life is short, live it up while you can.  Right?!

Friday afternoon I ate some pasta for my run on Saturday and cleaned my mess of a condo.  Saturday morning came quickly, at 5:30.  When I wake up earlier than I do for work to train, I've clearly got some reason to be up. 

I met my two co-workers at a nearby school.  These are not your normal meet for 3 miles friends, these are the crazy I'm doing a trail ultra, and running my first full marathon friends, i.e. they are crazy like me.

So we started running around 7ish..on hilly trails where most people bike.  Now I run trails every now and then, but typically pretty slow.  I'm always afraid I'll twist my ankle, so I totally look like a granny when I trail run.  I felt like I'd never run before, and was definitely lagging in pace a bit.  I also decided it would be fun to fall about 2 miles in, so in addition to my bike bruises and cut, I added some more to my knees and hand.  I look like a 4 year old kid who is constantly playing outside!

Thankfully the first 7 miles were on trails and the remaining 7 were on the road.  Nicole and I got into a groove and knocked out the last 7 miles on the hilly road.  Some of the hills were more of a struggle than others and our pace drastically decreased.  The final hillly stretch we ran up required a lot of motivation as we questioned what we were doing.

But we then got to the light, made a left and .03 miles later were done!

My Garmin wasn't cooperating with the woods, but I think we ran 14 in 2:35ish. 

Roughly 3 months to go!

1 comment:

  1. That's beast! Great blog I love the journey!!! Keep it up. I did 8.3 agonizing trail miles after work today.
