Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 3 of 13: 16 miles in 2:57

This post is actually over a week behind, shocker!  So from what I remember here is my 16 mile weekend recap of training.

I needed to get a 16 mile run and a long bike ride in last weekend, so I opted for the run on Friday and the bike on Sunday.

I ran 16 miles with two friends on Friday and ran through most of the local area.  I have to say that I've never run most of the area we ran, so it was interesting to see on foot.  It had rained the night before, so it was muggy, very muggy!

We all met up by 6, I think, or was it 7?  Either way it was extremely early, but also early enough to beat the mid-day heat.  None of us thought that since it was Friday there would be traffic.  Since it was the start of our weekends, we all assumed everyone else was at home sleeping.  Except it wasn't, it was Friday, and everyone was going to work.  We ended up running with rush hour traffic-- that was interesting.  Thankfully most of the area we ran had shoulders or sidewalk to run on.

My goal for the marathon is 4:15-4:30, so these long runs I try to keep around 11 minute miles.  I don't want to burn out for the actual marathon.  Per my fabulous training schedule passed down from a friend, that a friend created 11 minute miles are perfect to finish the marathon in my goal time.

By the end of the run I had averaged roughly an 11 minute mile.  I prefer to pace my entire run at the same pace.  At the start of the run we were going a bit faster than I wanted to start.  I'm really like a turtle, a slow and steady finishes the race type girl!

We finished as it was starting to become disgustingly hot, and I was happy to stop.  We then went to the local, AMAZING bagel shop, and got breakfast.  Total side note:  this is the bagel shop I went to during college, except in college we would all have showered and looked cute.  On Friday I went into the bagel shop, stinky, sweaty, salty skin, no make-up, and starving--and i didn't care.  Funny how things change!

Saturday was a rest day and I really rested and enjoyed catching up on trashy TV.  I was also resting up for my 66 mile bike ride on Sunday.

Sunday morning came around, fast.  I was up around 6 to wake up and get to the spot by 8.  I arrived and met up with friends and others we were meeting to bike with.  And we were off..

Now, I just bought a road bike in June.  So this whole road bike thing is totally new to me.  The only thing I really knew was that I should never bike alone.  I had gone on probably 6-8 rides between 20-50 miles, but 66 was by far the longest ride.

The ride was relatively flat, but given the strong head wind and hills towards the mid-point, I wanted to die.  We biked 33 miles to Chestertown, MD to eat then biked 33 back.  The ride there was ok because I had food to look forward to!  The ride back wasn't as pleasant.  I decided to get an omelette for lunch, which was fine, it was my other food choices that weren't.  We split loaded cheese fries and I got a beer.

By mile 36 I started cramping up, I should've avoided the beer!  I also hadn't hydrated properly before my 16 miler, or on Saturday.  Apparently I thought I was superwoman, again.

We eventually made it back.  66 miles were complete in roughly 4:45!  Phew, if the 100 was at that pace, we'd take forever.

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