Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 13 of 18: The good, the bad, and the ugly..

Week 13 started off to a great start!  I had obligations later in the week so I planned to squeeze in some extra workouts early on.  Monday I did Bodypump at the Y before work, then went for a 4 miler after work (before it got dark).  I was feeling good, just a bit tired.  Tuesday I did hot yoga at work, and ran 9 that night.  I was happy to see Wednesday roll around to say the least.  My body had enough..

I was tired, but figured I wasn't used to all this extra exercise.  Before training I would workout 3-4 times a week for about an hour.  This week I did at least 2 hours, 2 days in a row.  My attempts to become superwoman failed me...

Wednesday I worked then had to volunteer and didn't get home till about 9:30.  I unfortunately wasn't as tired as I should've been, and didn't get my traditional grandma sleep in.  During training if I'm home and tired I've been going to bed between 9:30-10- yes at 28 I've taken on the sleep schedule of an 89 year old.  I need at least 8 hours of sleep, if not- watch out, I'm not very nice without food and sleep!  I had also been sneezing a lot, but I do have allergies so figured it would go away.

By Thursday morning my throat was raw, but again I passed it off as allergies.  Thursday night after an after work meeting I planned to run 5.

Here's the "good" of the week:
I've put about ~250 miles on my current Nike's (which is less than I should've according to Hal Higdon's novice plan, but hey I've got a life).

I've noticed my sesamoids starting to ache, and some knee and hip pain returning.  Was it already time for new shoes?!  I don't need broken sesamoids or ITBS again, or ever for that matter.

According to the girl at the running store, yes, yes it was time for new shoes!  Now all you runner's who get 500+ miles on your shoes, how?!  I wore off the bottom heel of my left shoe and the waffles up top were starting to peel.  I do know I walk heavy, and am pretty sure I run heavy, too.  Just the way God made me, I guess.

So I got a new pair of Brooks!  Now my last pair before the Nike's were Brooks Glycerin, and I was in absolute love with them.  I ran my 10 miler and half in May in Brooks with no complaints!   Then they changed them up a bit, and I hated the newest version.  Here are my new shoes which will be on my feet marathon day:

I then went to my after work meeting.  During the meeting I started to feel kind of off, but figured training was getting the best of me and "moved" my 5 miler to the next morning.  I was very excited to try out my new sneaks.

The "bad" of the week:
Friday morning I woke up feeling my death.  I couldn't smell, breathe, and my head felt disconnected from my body.  Thankfully I had already decided to work from home Friday, so I sat on my couch all day in pj's drugged up, doing work.

*On a total side note:  I can't stand when people talk about being sick on social media- there are just some things you keep to yourself.  That being said, as it appears this happens to almost all marathoner's at some point, I felt the need to discuss.

My counter also had turned into a pharmacy:

And I wasn't hungry (during the peak of training), so I forced myself to drink tea and sip soup:

The "ugly" of the week:
Saturday morning should've been my 18 miler- after running 4,5, and 9 during the week.  This obviously didn't happen.  Saturday also was a going away party for my cousin who is moving to Colorado, today.  I didn't do anything Saturday besides some work, and taking medicine.  I was so upset I couldn't run 18 and missed the going away party, I could've cried.

After researching, it appears a lot of marathoner's (especially newbies) get sick at the peak of training or during taper.  This made me feel better, a bit.

Now I'm trying to figure out where to fit in my 18 miler.  Do I run that this coming Saturday instead of the recommended 14, before the following weeks 20?  Or do I shift everything back a week, and lose a week of taper?

There are only 5 weeks till this marathon, and as far out as that seems, after training for 13 week thus far, it's not!

To be continued..

13 weeks complete, 5 to go! :)

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