Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week 12 of 18: 12 miles in 2:12:48

Wow, I feel like I just started blogging and I'm already 3 months in, and accomplished at that!

This marathon journey has definitely been interesting.  It's amazing to see how far you can push yourself (and your body) without losing it!

Some of my runs have been easier than others, and some morning's like yesterday I wanted to stay curled up in my warm bed.

If I run on a Saturday I usually veg out on my couch with a huge bowl of pasta and a movie.  I think at this point I've seen every comedy the local RedBox has, they need to add more movies!  A few Friday's I've gone out to dinner and as long as I eat carbs with a bit of protein I'm ok for the morning run.  I've starting turning down alcohol the night before like someone avoiding the plague.  That being said if I happen to have any beer in my fridge after a long run, i'm drinking it (even at 10:30am).  Nothing tastes better.

So yesterday I woke up at 6am while it was dark and rainy out, and stared at my alarm.  I had been in a deep, deep fantastic sleep and was uber confused why my alarm was going off, "yesterday was Friday", or so I thought, why was this going off.  Then I remembered, oh yea only a 12-miler.

Earlier in the week I was talking to a friend and after she asked what I'd be running this week, I responded with "oh, only a 12 miler this week".  Did those words just come out of my mouth?  Only 12 miles, who am I kidding? Prior to my half in May, 10 miles was a long, hard run.  What on earth is happening to me?!?

So I begrudgingly dragged myself out of bed.  I made my toast with jelly and had a big glass of water with nuun.  I've somehow trained my stomach to behave before these long runs, so I don't feel sick after- it's awesome!  I got dressed, grabbed all my stuff and was out.

It was around 7:15 when I finally got out.  It takes me longer to get ready for a run than it takes me to get ready for work.  Oh well, whatever works.  I started and just wanted my bed, it was brisk, but it was a clear, sunny morning.  

I've started to notice I run better after I start taking fuel.  I don't know if this is all mental, but usually 1.5 miles after taking my clif shot bloks, the run is much easier.  Maybe I'll start taking a few bloks before I head out the door to top off my glycogen stores (or lack thereof).  

I had a pretty good run, my head was clear and I was just going.  My runner's high did kick in, but so did some pain.  I think my lack of yoga the past few weeks is catching up to me, I need to get my "om" back!

Towards the end of my run as I was running uphill two women passed me.  Now in my defense I was 10 miles in, and frankly I was mentally over it.  It really bothers me when people pass me, I'm just a bit competitive.  I know I will never win a race and that's not my reason for doing it, but when people pass me on the road, I get mad.  The first woman was killing it and had someone following her on a bike- get it girl!  The second was running like it was the best thing, ever!  She almost looked like a ballerina dancing up the hill- and was the quintessential "marathon build"- long and lean.  

I on the other hand felt like a dead horse trying to drag myself up this hill, then I had a moment.  Neither of these women had fuel, water, or music.  It was very possible this was their morning 4 miler and in that case, I'd be just as peppy.  So at this point I got over myself, and kept running.

I finished my 12 miler in 2:12:48, 8 minutes faster than my last 12 miler!  Whether or not I felt accomplished it was faster than the last, accomplishment enough.

After my run I went out for the day and did a lot of walking.  I am not stiff, sore or in any sort of pain today. I'm definitely dragging myself out after my 18 and 20 milers in the upcoming weeks.

Week 12 of 18 complete!!! 5 weeks to go..where'd the time go?!

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