Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 11 of 18: 16 miles in 3:10:43

This week was crazy, plain crazy.  Work was busy, after work activities and meetings were busy, I volunteered, oh and yes, training.  

Here's the short version (since blogger just deleted my long version):  I was supposed to run 4,8,4 this week and 16 on Saturday.  After the above activities and being invited to a Phillies game the night I should've run 8, I ran one of my three runs during the week, the 4 miler.  I also wasn't hydrating like I should've been all week, or carb loading a day or two prior.

This all lead up to what I consider my worst training run.  There were lots of things I didn't do this week, so it could've been any number of variables.

I met my running buddy so we could begin these runs.  I was running 16, Amy had to run 18.  We both laughed at how ridiculous we looked with our running gear, and how we look pretty legit!  After letting our gps' find satellites, we were off.  About 2 ish miles in Amy had to stop with chronic calf pain she's been battling, after a recent half.  I continued ahead hoping this would be a smooth run, not the case.

The entire 16 miles I felt like the tin man- stiff, and feeling like I needed a can of oil for my muscles and joints.  As I ran I realized this is why everyone says hydration is key- and I can attest to that 1000%.  I felt like an old woman trying to walk up a flight of steps- never, ever, ever again will this happen.

Aside from pain I found another porta-potty about 6 miles in.  I would love to see how ridiculous I look running up to these parks specifically for the porta-potty, then back to the road.  I of course choose the peak people hours, so everyone around I'm sure sees me or hear's my ice jiggling in my Camelbak.

I experienced no runner's high yesterday, not one ounce.  I was hurting, and my body knew it.  Never in my life have I watched the clock and miles so closely, and wanted to give up every time the song on my iphone switched.  I knew I would do 16 whether it meant walking the last 5 or not.  Beyond mile 10 I started taking long walk breaks, trying to revitalize my joints.

Instead of running two big 7 mile loops I ran one and ran up and down this once nearby hill 5 times, easily.  Anyone driving by probably thought I was one of those crazy people who talk to themselves.  After mile 11, I started getting really upset with myself and knew it would be nowhere near my time of 2:44 for my 15 miler last week.  I would look at my gps and shake my head out of disbelief.

Finally 3 hours and ten minutes later I finished 16 miles of pure torture.  I really understand the purpose of training runs, to find out what works and what to avoid for the marathon.  Well, this past week was a learning experience to say the least.

I can't believe how close Philly is.  11 weeks complete and done, 7 to go!!!!!

Eeekkkkk :)

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