Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week 9 of 18: 10 miles in 1:45:30

So after realizing I totally forgot to post my last 10 mile run, here it is.

10 miles has now become a bearable, shortened run of what's to come.  It's funny when I've trained for and run the Broad Street Run the past four years, 10 miles was a lot, a whole lot.  I used to be very conservative with what I did the night before, and what I ate.  I've now realized 10 miles it just another run.  My fear has now shifted the the pending 15, 16, 18, and 20 milers I have ahead of me.

I didn't get out till around 7am, when it was light enough to see everything, and everyone could see me.  One of the disadvantages of running this alone, is that I don't feel safe running in anything less than bright sunshine in well traveled areas.  So I was off, and was excited because it was in the low 70's- haven't seen running weather like that this entire training.

I also have some blisters that continue to reemerge during these longs runs.  I'd read that a lot of people use duct tape on their blisters- and it seemed like the next logical step.  So here are my poor feet before (in need of a pedicure, I know).

And I couldn't just go with plain old duct tape, I liked the pink. :)

I taped both toes since my second toe likes to rub on my big toe, and my big toe rubs in my shoe.  I also had a blister under the ball of my foot, and since I was afraid the duct tape would move due to sweat, I taped aroud my entire foot.

About 5 miles into the 10 I knew the tape had moved, and thought it was irritating the current blister.  Not exactly the case, here is my duct tape experiment after the run:

I've learned when duct taping feet to prevent current blisters from rubbing, don't assume you aren't creating new ones.  I had a new blister in the arch of my foot from this great idea.  The duct tape around my right big toe also started to split.  Not sure if I'll try this again, I clearly need to research some more.

The duct tape was the only real issue I had this run.  Weather was great, camelbak still had some water left when I was done, and my clothes weren't moving around, no real complaints.

This also marks the halfway point, 50% of the way there!  As tiring as this process is,  can't wait for the marathon.  I'm glad I had a good 10 miler this past weekend, because my 15 this weekend is really scaring me.  Honestly, how many people choose to run 15 miles....

Only the crazies, which I am now totally embracing.  I'm proud to be that crazy person with enough dedication and motivation to do something that not everyone will attempt to do in their lifetime.  I'm excited to be a part of that 1%.  :)

9 weeks down, only 9 to go!!

Philly Marathon I'm coming, and I'm going to finish...

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